
The food plan called “La Leggerezza nell’Essere” is a slightly low-calorie dietetic approach and therefore it is particularly useful for people who are overweight. In fact, it also has other aims. One of these is that of ensuring that energy is supplied from foods composed of substances selected particularly for their quality and treated with cooking methods that do not cause excessive stress to the digestive system.

Then “La Leggerezza nell’Essere” emphasizes that it is possible, even with the consumption of a limited amount of calories,
to find a diet which is both pleasant and decidedly varied. Finally, our food plan plays an
important role in the “Lefay SPA Method” thanks to the importance of a healthy diet in preventive medicine.

In brief, Lefay Vital Gourmet “La Leggerezza nell’Essere” is a “tasty, light, detoxifying and healthy” way of eating.

“La Leggerezza nell’Essere” menu can be requested at the Restaurant
La Grande Limonaia for breakfast and dinner and at the Bistrot La Vigna for lunch.

Menu Dietetico